Senior Advisor of UN on Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy in Sharif

The meeting was held with the presence of Thomas Andersson, UN’s Senior Advisor on Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy, on February 2, 2017 at Sharif University Presidential Office. Professor Fotuhi, President of SUT, Dr. Movaghar, Dean of International Affairs, Dr. Mokhtari, Dean of Industry Relations, and several other professors of Sharif were present at the meeting.

In his lecture, Andersson focused on the current situation of Iran in the world with respect to Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) issues. He alluded to the extraordinary capacities of Iran in this regard and mentioned some of the obstacles. According to Andersson, Iran has moved from producing low-tech products to the development of medium-tech and high-tech products in the last decade or so. Moreover, the growth of international publications during the recent years has been outstanding in Iran.

Following the lecture, Andersson explained and analyzed the main obstacles for the development of STI in Iran. He ended his lecture with some suggestions on how to overcome these obstacles and make better use of the capacities of Iran.

The meeting was finished by the open-floor discussion of SUT’s professors with Andersson.