Dual Degree Programs

Here is the list of all Dual Degree Programs till now (Last update February 2019) :

Dual Degee Program (a.k.a joint supervision program, cotutelle, and 2+2 program) is a degree-based program designed for Master and PhD students. In these programs, the students spend the first half of their study at the home instution. The second half of the program will be spent at the host instuition conducting the research part of the program supervised by the faculty members of the both institutes. Upon successful completion of the program, both institues will confer separate degrees on the candidate (hence dual degree program). Nevertheless, there is a note on both degrees stressing that they are obtained through one program.

For any enquiries relating to dual degree programs, please send an email to ia_st@sharif.edu

Pathway to Dual Degree Programs (in Persian)