Tomsk Province Delegation at Sharif University of Technology

On June 12, 2024, Sharif University of Technology hosted a meeting aimed at fostering economic cooperation. Attendees included representatives from the Tehran Governorate, a delegation from Tomsk province in Russia, and the top five universities in Tehran. The Russian delegation began their visit by touring Dr. Roosta Azad Technology Services Complex, gaining insight into the complex's technological service offerings. Following the tour, a collaborative meeting was held, bringing together representatives from Tehran's universities, Sharif University of Technology's Vice President of Research and Technology, deans from the faculties of Energy Engineering, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, and Computer Engineering, as well as directors of International Affairs from Sharif University of Technology. The focus of the meeting was to identify potential areas for mutual collaboration.

St. Petersburg University Delegation at Sharif University of Technology

On Monday 24 May 1403, a group of representatives from St. Petersburg University of Russia visited Sharif University of Technology and got to know the educational, scientific and research environment of the university.

At first, the Russian guests took a tour of the offices and centers located in the university's Technology Service Complex, as well as the Central Laboratory, and got to know the activities of these centers closely. Then, they visited the research activities in the field of solar panels by visiting the Department of Physics. Then, the Russian team visited facilities, equipment and research capacities in the Nano Research Institute, as well as the Department of Materials Engineering and Advanced Materials and Nano Laboratory.

After the tour of the university, the Russian delegation met and talked with Dr. Mousavi and a group of vice presidents and managers of the university. In this meeting, the cooperation between Sharif University of Technology and Russian universities, including; Saint Petersburg University and Tomsk Polytechnic University was discussed. They also exchanged opinions on holding joint courses, student and professor exchanges and publishing joint articles.

Expanding cooperation between Sharif University of Technology SUT and University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa

According to the SUT’s Public Relations Department, on Thursday, May 20, 2024, Dr. Ibrahim Hayawi, president of Iraqi University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, got acquainted with SUT’s educational, research, and technological spaces.

During a meeting that was held in the presence of Dr. Mousavi, the president of Sharif University of Technology, Dr. Ibrahim Hayavi, and a group of vice presidents and managers from both universities, Dr. Mousavi, talked about greater interaction and the development of relations between Iran and Iraq. He also spoke about exchange student programs between these two countries and creating opportunities for students for pilgrimage programs in Iraq.

Also, the university's educational, scientific, and technological activities in Sharif Innovation District and the innovation centers were discussed. Both parties expressed their satisfaction with this connection and emphasized strengthening this scientific link in the form of joint research projects, the presence of more Iraqi students at Sharif University of Technology, and holding educational and research courses.

Then, the Iraqi delegation visited the companies located in Shahid Sattari Innovation Complex, the exhibition of the university's technological achievements in the Technology Services Complex, the equipment of the university's central laboratory, as well as the 3D printer workshop located in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

New Chapter of International Collaboration Between SUT and Russia

On February 28th 2024, Deputy Minister of Science and Education of the Russian Federation and a delegation of Russian university rectors, including Southern Federal University, Altai State Technical University, and Nizhny Novgorod State University visited SUT.

Initially, Russian delegation visited Sharif Technology Services Complex and got familiar with technological offices and centers at this complex. Then they took a visit of Superconductor Electronics Research Laboratory at the Electrical Engineering Department.

Next, the Russian went the President’s Office and were given a sincere welcome by the president of university and other vice-presidents.

At this session, the vice-president of education, vice-president of research and technology, and the deans of the School of Computer Science, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering School, Energy Engineering Department and Sharif Convergence Science and Technology participated.

Both sides expressed their enthusiastic interests of collaboration and stressed to strengthen this bilateral cooperation between SUT and Russian universities in the fields of joint paper publications, joint research programs, and etc.

Indian Ambassador to Tehran Visits SUT

On February 27th, 2024, the ambassador of India Mr. H.E. Rudra Gaurav Shrestha, and the cultural affairs attaché of the embassy in Tehran visited SUT and got familiar with the educational, research, and innovation atmosphere at SUT.

This session was held at the president’s office of SUT, the director of the International Affairs Office, and a group of faculty members from departments such as chemical and petroleum engineering and Sharif Institute of Convergence Science and Technology also attended this session.

At this meeting, the president of SUT warmly welcomed the Indian delegation and elaborated on the close collaboration between SUT and some Indian universities and institutes in terms of joint paper publications, MoUs, and also Indian students who are studying in the main campus and Kish International campus.

At the end of the session, the Indian delegation took a visit to the Institute of Nano-science and Technology.

SUT Hosts Academic Delegation from Uzbekistan

On January 6th, 2024, a scientific and academic delegation from some universities including Bukhara State University, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent State Agrarian, Karshi State University, Termez State University, Urgench State University, and the Ministry of High Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited SUT.

In the course of this session with the president of SUT, the director of the International Affairs Office, and the Vice-president of Education Affairs, Vice- President for Science and Technology of SUT both sides explored some fields of collaboration in terms of exchange programs, students and professors exchange, and also implementation of a SUT branch in Uzbekistan. Both sides signed some MoUs to activate the mentioned issues in the near future.

At the end of the session, the delegation took a tour of Sharif Technology Services Complex, the Institute of Nano Science and Nano Technology, Sharif Innovation Tower, and HPDS knowledge-based company in Sharif Innovation District.

SUT and Gulf College from Oman on the Brink of Collaboration

On December 19th, 2023, Prof. Taqi Al Abdwani as the deputy chair of the Gulf College of Oman visited SUT and held a meeting with the president of Sharif University of Technology. In this meeting, both sides explore and discuss the potentials and opportunities for academic and research collaboration. After the meeting, the delegation visited Sharif Technology Services Complex and SUT Institute of Nano science and Technology to become familiar with the technological atmosphere inside the university.

SUT Starts Mutual Academic Collaborations with Ural Federal University from Russia

On December 4th, 2023, Kovalev Natalia, a representative of the Center for International Student Mobility and Recruitment at Ural Federal University, visited SUT to gain insight into the university's technological, innovative, and entrepreneurial atmosphere. During the visit, Natalia toured Sharif Services Complex, Sharif's Institute for Convergence Science and Technology, and the Data Storage Center. Following the tour, a session was held in the presence of Dr. Masihi, Director of the International Affairs Office, Dr. Vousoughi, Russian Universities Relation Section, and Dr. Bazargan, Dean of the International Student Office. The parties discussed opportunities for reciprocal collaboration, including academic exchange programs, student exchange, sabbatical leaves for professors, Ph.D. students, and joint research programs.

Acknowledging Sharif University of Technology for Carrying Out Joint Projects with Iranian Overseas

The Center of International Scientific Cooperation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology appreciated the excellent performance of Sharif University of Technology and several other active universities in carrying out joint projects using the scientific capacity of Iranians living abroad during a meeting on Saturday, December 2nd. In the meeting, Dr. Mohammadreza Mohammad Zadeh Attar, the Deputy Director of The Center of International Scientific Cooperation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, discussed the structure and activities of the scientific and technological working group of the Supreme Council for the Affairs of Iranians Abroad. This working group is a subset of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and is headed by the Minister of Science, Research and Technology. Regarding the planning of a working group to support scientific programs with the participation of Iranians abroad, he stated that the Ministry of Science provides special support to projects in fields such as nanotechnology, microelectronics, biotechnology, quantum, data engineering, cognitive science, water resources management, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence. Additionally, the Ministry also facilitates science and technology exchange and organizes specialized conferences and meetings between Iranians inside and outside the country.

Sharif University Makes Groundbreaking Debut at China’s International Education Conference, Forges Stronger Connections with Universities and Science Parks

Beijing - Sharif University of Technology, alongside a delegation from prominent Iranian universities, marked its first-ever participation at the esteemed China Annual Conference & Expo for International Education. The three-day event, held from October 26th to 28th, brought together university representatives from across the globe. This significant milestone was achieved through the collaborative efforts of the Student Affairs Organization within the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology.

The delegation featured esteemed members from the Student Affairs Organization, as well as international affairs managers from Sharif University of Technology, Tarbiat Modares University, Isfahan University of Technology, and Tehran University of Medical Sciences. As the nation prioritizes the attraction of international students, the goal is to surpass the current count of 107,000 international students to exceed 250,000 within the next four years.

Expanding on their participation in the conference, Sharif University, as part of the scientific liaison programs established by the Islamic Republic of Iran in Beijing, embarked on insightful visits to local universities and science and technology parks. Notably, the delegation explored the National Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NCNST), encompassing its cutting-edge laboratories. Additionally, they visited Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), renowned for its 21 faculties, 35,000 students, including 2,800 international students, and four active branches. Further, the delegation explored TusPark Tsinghua University Science Park, a thriving hub for approximately 5,000 startups under the management of TusHolding, along with a visit to the Institute of Process Engineering.

During these engaging encounters, fruitful discussions and exchanges regarding various forms of collaboration took place. The spectrum encompassed student and faculty exchanges, joint projects, and the implementation of training courses. A significant milestone was reached as a cooperation agreement with the National Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Beijing (NCNST) was finalized, cementing the path for future collaborative endeavors.