Expanding cooperation between Sharif University of Technology SUT and University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa

According to the SUT’s Public Relations Department, on Thursday, May 20, 2024, Dr. Ibrahim Hayawi, president of Iraqi University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, got acquainted with SUT’s educational, research, and technological spaces.

During a meeting that was held in the presence of Dr. Mousavi, the president of Sharif University of Technology, Dr. Ibrahim Hayavi, and a group of vice presidents and managers from both universities, Dr. Mousavi, talked about greater interaction and the development of relations between Iran and Iraq. He also spoke about exchange student programs between these two countries and creating opportunities for students for pilgrimage programs in Iraq.

Also, the university's educational, scientific, and technological activities in Sharif Innovation District and the innovation centers were discussed. Both parties expressed their satisfaction with this connection and emphasized strengthening this scientific link in the form of joint research projects, the presence of more Iraqi students at Sharif University of Technology, and holding educational and research courses.

Then, the Iraqi delegation visited the companies located in Shahid Sattari Innovation Complex, the exhibition of the university's technological achievements in the Technology Services Complex, the equipment of the university's central laboratory, as well as the 3D printer workshop located in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.