Presence of an Academic Delegation from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Sharif

A meeting was held on April 23, 2017 at SUT’s International Affairs Office. Dr. H. C. Man, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Pun Zee HUI, Associate Dean of External Relations and Development, and Dr. Saffar, Associate Professor of School of Accounting and Finance constituted the Delegation. Dr. Movaghar, Dean of International Affairs, Dr. Massoumian, International Affairs Consultant, and several professors of Sharif took part in the meeting.

After a brief introduction of the universities by the representatives of both sides, the formation of a joint PhD program between the two universities was discussed. SUT and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University expressed their desire for the formation of such a program. Moreover, it was decided that a MoU be signed in a near future between the two universities. Afterward, the Delegation had a visit to Sharif Technology Service Complex and Nano Technology Lab.

According to QS, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University is 111th in the world and 29th among Asian universities in 2016.  In addition, SUT already has a successful joint PhD program with HKUST, which is another important university in Hong Kong.

Dr. Man’s Presentation