Research Positions in Japan

Research Positions in Japan

1. The Hakubi Project (Kyoto University)

The Hakubi Project[Global Type] welcomes applications from researchers all over the world without consideration of the applicant's nationality. It is open to any young researcher holding a doctoral degree (or equivalent research abilities) in any range of basic and applied studies in all academic fields, from the humanities to the social and natural sciences. Under this project, Kyoto University selects and employs Hakubi researchers as program-specific faculty members (associate professor or assistant professor).
Call for Applications[Global Type]for the 9th batch (2018):

2. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) was born through the merger of three institutions, namely the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), the National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan (NAL) and the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA). It was designated as a core performance agency to support the Japanese governments overall aerospace development and utilization. JAXA, therefore, can conduct integrated operations from basic research and development, to utilization.
JAXA International Top Young Fellowship (ITYF)
JAXA offers scientists and engineers in aerospace an opportunity to conduct research into the scientific and technical aspects of space.
Link for application:

3. JREC-IN Portal Career support portal site for all researchers and research staff who are pioneering innovation

  • JREC-IN Portal is an informative portal site that supports the career development and skills building of researchers, research assistants, technicians and other research-related human resources.
  • This website contains a database of information on applicants searching for research jobs and job postings for research and education positions in industry, academia and the public sector. Both applicants and recruiting institutions can browse and search online for postings or individuals that meet their needs.
  • This website also provides other contents and information about networking or other events organized by education or research institutions for the broad career development of researchers.
  • Registered User and Registered Recruiting Institution can publish, view or apply online to job postings, send job applicant inquiry e-mails, or receive matching e-mails to assist their job offer and job search, or they can take part in e-learning to develop their careers and build skills. (The services and functions available differ based on the user type.)
    Link for JREC-IN Portal:


4. Research position opportunities in Riken

4-1. RIKEN Hakubi Fellows Program (Maximum term of 7 years)

In the Hakubi Fellows Program, RIKEN offers junior PI positions for independent research by exceptionally talented individuals. The program, established in 2017, encourages active exchange between the fellows, and seeks to develop the next generation of leading researchers with a global outlook.


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