Sabbatical for Professors

Sabbatical for Professors

1- JSPS for Overseas Faculty Members (Mid-career to Professor Level):

This program is designed to enable Japanese researchers to invite their overseas colleagues to Japan to participate in cooperative work and other academic activities. Researchers of all countries having diplomatic relations with Japan are eligible. Applications are submitted by the inviting researchers who wish to host overseas researchers in Japan.
Applications must be submitted to JSPS by a host researcher in Japan via the head of his/her university or institution. Overseas researchers wishing to participate in the program are advised to establish contact with a Japanese or foreign-resident researcher in their field and to ask him/her to submit an application. They should make this contact well in advance of the host institutions application deadline.
*JSPS does not find or introduce host researchers.
**JSPS does not accept applications submitted directly by overseas researchers or through diplomatic channels.
Link for 2019 Application guidelines for Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan:

1-1. Long term invitational fellowships for research in Japan (2 to 10 month)
To invite overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements to collaborate with Japanese colleagues in carrying out research through long-term visits.

1-2. Short term invitational fellowships for research in Japan (14 to 60 days)
To invite overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements for short-term visits to Japan and provide them opportunities for discussions, opinion exchanges, lectures and other activities.

1-3. Short term invitational fellowships for research in Japan (7 to 30 days)
To invite overseas researchers with distinguished records of research achievements to Japan for purposes corresponding to those records, and to provide them opportunities to offer advice and cooperate in research activities throughout the host institution and also to give lectures or conduct other activities at other Japanese research institutions.



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