Expanding Horizons: SUT and University of Nanjing Establish a Promising Scientific Partnership

On Monday, October 23rd, 2023, a delegation from Nanjing University, China, including Mr. Tan Tainiu, Hua Tao, Lu Huiyan, Zhang Tang, and Ms. Huoji, the deans and administrators of the university's faculties, visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT) to become familiar with the educational, technological, and research activities of the university.

Initially, the professors from Nanjing University visited the Sharif Innovation District, including the Sharif Technology Tower and Bontech Technology Tower, to observe the technological advancements and knowledge-based businesses in the innovation district. They were introduced to technological innovations and entrepreneurial ventures in this area.

Subsequently, the delegation visited the office of the university president, where they engaged in discussions with the university's president, administrators, and faculty members to explore areas of interest and expand academic interactions. One of the areas of interest was active and effective participation in the International Energy, Resilience, and Sustainability Conference, scheduled to be held next year on the 18th April, 2024 by the university, with the presence of energy experts and managers from regional countries.

Considering the academic standing of Nanjing University and the shared areas of collaboration, particularly in engineering fields, initial agreements were made to support joint research projects between the professors of both universities and develop joint educational programs at the postgraduate level.

At the end of the session, a memorandum of understanding was signed to facilitate international interactions and collaborations between the two universities.

Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to Sharif University of Technology

On Monday, October 23rd, 2023, the esteemed Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dr. Zahedi, accompanied by a delegation from the Tajikistan Embassy in Tehran, visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT) to familiarize themselves with the educational, technological, and scientific activities of the university.

The session commenced at the office of the respected President of SUT, with the presence of university officials, faculty members, and administrators, who warmly welcomed the delegation. After a brief presentation highlighting the university's activities and standing, Dr. Abbaspour, the secretary of the International Energy Conference, introduced the conference and its significance. Furthermore, Dr. Ardekani discussed SUT's international collaborations in environmental areas, particularly water and energy, emphasizing the mutual interests and initiatives between SUT and various countries.

The esteemed Ambassador of Tajikistan expressed his delight in visiting Sharif University of Technology and discussed the cultural similarities between Iran and Tajikistan. He viewed this as a foundation for fostering bilateral cooperation in technical and engineering domains between SUT and Tajikistan's technological universities. He introduced Tajikistan as a country abundant in water resources and suitable for developing hydroelectric power capacity. He also mentioned some of the country's international initiatives, such as the Water for Sustainable and Stable Development program and the Refrigerator Preservation program.

Furthermore, he evaluated the upcoming period as opportune for scientific and technological interactions between SUT and Tajikistan's technology universities, considering the visits of the Presidents of both countries and the positive relations between them. He expressed his readiness to personally support and participate in the Energy Conference and planned collaborations in the energy sector. Lastly, it was agreed to initiate the necessary preparations for the drafting and signing of a comprehensive memorandum of understanding to establish a legal framework for cooperation and plan future visits of SUT delegates to Tajikistan's technology universities.

SUT Delegation Explores Universities and Science Parks in Georgia

A delegation from Sharif University of Technology (SUT), consisting of the SUT university President, Director of the International Affairs Office, and several faculty members, embarked on a visit to various state and private universities in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia on 11th October 2023. The delegation aimed to gain insights into the educational and research environment at institutions such as Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Georgian Technical University, fostering potential collaborations between both sides.

During their visit, the SUT delegation also had the opportunity to explore the science and technology park in Tbilisi, where they familiarized themselves with the innovative technological and research activities taking place in this dynamic hub. Over the course of three days, Dr. Jalili the President of SUT delivered a speech to Iranians residing in Georgia, shedding light on the academic and research opportunities available in Iran. As a final highlight, the delegation paid a visit to the Iranian ambassador in Georgia, further strengthening diplomatic ties.

This visit served as an invaluable platform for SUT to exchange knowledge, explore partnership prospects, and promote academic and research opportunities both within and beyond national borders.

Russian Delegation from the Presidential Academy Visits Sharif University of Technology

On September 27th, a delegation from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT). The delegation was led by Polina Nemirovchenko, Vice Rector of RANEPA, and Dr. Amr al-Dib, Head of Middle East Affairs of the Russian Presidential Academy.

During their visit, the Russian delegation was warmly received by the President of SUT, along with several directors from the university. Representatives from Sharif Governance and Policy Think Tank were also present. The purpose of the meeting was to foster closer ties between the two educational institutions and explore potential collaborative opportunities.

The session provided an opportunity for the Russian delegation to gain insights into SUT's educational environment, its ranking, and its research and technology activities. Both sides engaged in discussions to identify areas of mutual interest and potential avenues for cooperation.

The visit of the Russian delegation marks an important step towards strengthening academic and research collaborations between SUT and the Russian Presidential Academy. It is hoped that this exchange will lead to fruitful partnerships and contribute to the advancement of education and innovation in both institutions.

Indonesian Ambassador Visits SUT, Explores Potential Collaborations

Mr. Ronny Prasetyo Yuliantoro, the esteemed ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, recently visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT), immersing himself in the university's technological and innovative environment. During this engaging session, Dr. Jalili, the President of SUT, Dr. Masihi, the Director of International Affairs, and several faculty members gathered to discuss various topics.

One prominent discussion revolved around the collaboration between SUT and Indonesia, mainly focusing on the successful implementation of Sina Robotic Surgery in Indonesia. Dr. Farahmand, a faculty member from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at SUT, shed light on the technical aspects of this collaboration. Both sides further explored opportunities for reciprocal scientific cooperation, including the potential participation in the upcoming International Conference on Energy, Resiliency, and Sustainability (ICERS2024).

To conclude the visit, the Indonesian delegation had the opportunity to explore the Sharif Technology Services Complex and visit some of the complex's technological manufacturers. They also visited the prestigious Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at SUT, further deepening their understanding of the cutting-edge research conducted at SUT.

South Korean Ambassador and Delegation Visit Sharif University of Technology

On Monday, September 9th, the distinguished Mr. H.E. Yun Kanghyeon, Ambassador of South Korea, along with his accompanying delegation, graced the premises of Sharif University of Technology (SUT). Their purposeful visit included a meeting with the esteemed President of the University, Dr. Jalili, as well as Dr. Masihi, the Director of International Affairs, and Dr. Majid Abbaspour, a renowned faculty member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the prestigious Water, Energy, and Environment Research Institute at SUT. Dr. Abbaspour also serves as the secretary of the noteworthy International Conference on Energy, Resilience, and Sustainability. The primary focus of the engaging discussions revolved around fostering scientific, research, and academic collaborations between SUT and esteemed universities and research institutions in South Korea.

During the meeting, in addition to showcasing the technological prowess of the university, Dr. Abbaspour delivered an insightful presentation on the upcoming International Conference on Energy, Resilience, and Sustainability, hosted by SUT.

To cap off their visit, the esteemed guests had the privilege of exploring Sharif Technology Services Complex, where they were able to witness firsthand the innovative achievements of various centers and offices housed within the complex.

Kazan Federal University delegation in Sharif University of Technology

An academic delegation from Kazan Federal University, led by Dr. Lenar Safin, the university's rector, on June 24th visited Sharif University of Technology. During the visit, the Kazan Federal University delegation toured SUT's technological and research centers, including the Institute of Nano Science and the Laboratories of the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. Following the tour, a meeting was held with the president of SUT, Dr. Jalili, the vice-president of Education, the director of international affairs of SUT and some other faculty members of SUT, during which both sides discussed the ways of technological strengths and collaborations.

In this meeting, Kazan Federal University and Sharif University of Technology (SUT) have signed a ROADMAP OF COOPERATION to establish a framework for collaboration in research and innovation in 2023. The signing of the ROADMAP marks a significant step towards strengthening the relationship between the two universities and promoting academic excellence and scientific research through international collaboration.

SUT and Uzbekistan Agree on Bilateral Cooperation in Science and Technology

The President of Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Dr. Jalili, along with the Vice-President of Research and Technology, the Director of the International Affairs Office, and the Director of the International Students Office, welcomed the Minister of Science and Innovation from the Republic of Uzbekistan and his delegation.

During the meeting, SUT showcased its technological capabilities and strengths, and both parties discussed potential collaborations on scientific and cultural issues. The two sides also agreed to cooperate in the fields of energy and computer engineering, with the aim of establishing bilateral partnerships.

Furthermore, the delegation and SUT representatives exchanged ideas on how to establish science and technology parks and accelerators, as well as shared their experiences in this area.

The Uzbek delegation also had the opportunity to visit knowledge-based companies in SUT's innovation center, technology offices, the Sharif Technology Services complex, the Sharif Entrepreneurship Center, and some startups.

The meeting concluded with a positive outcome, as both sides expressed their willingness to continue working together and strengthening their cooperation in the future.

SUT Hosts Esteemed Malian Officials for Collaborative Talks on Innovation and Technology

Officials from the Embassy of the Republic of Mali in Tehran made a special visit to the Sharif University of Technology (SUT) on June 11th.

Mr. Mohamed Maïga, Ambassador of the Republic of Mali to Iran, and Mr. Ahmadou Barazi Maiga, the Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Mali, were received by the president of SUT, the Director of the International Affairs Office, the Director of the International Students Office, and experts from the same office.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed their mutual interests in collaborating on technology, innovation, and the exchange of Malian students at SUT. Additionally, they explored sabbatical opportunities for Malian scientists at SUT. The Malian officials also visited the AI and Data Science innovation center and the Institute of Nano Science at SUT.

The visit marks an important step towards establishing a strong partnership between the SUT and the Republic of Mali in the fields of technology and innovation.

The Delegation of SUT Visits the Universities of the Republic of Iraq

Sharif University of Technology (SUT) sent a delegation to Iraq on May 1st, 2023, to explore possibilities for academic collaborations with Iraqi universities. The delegation, which included the President of the Sharif University of Technology, the Director of the International Affairs Office, the Director of the International Students Office, and the Dean of the School of Management and Economy, visited several universities and research centers in Iraq.

The delegation was welcomed by the Iraqi Vice-President of Science and Technology, and discussions centered around potential joint scientific projects, student and faculty exchange programs, and bilateral workshops and conferences.

The SUT team also visited various state and private universities in Iraq, including the University of Baghdad, Al-Turath University, Al-Nahrain University, Babol University in Hillah, WARITH AL-ANBIYAA in Karbala, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, University of Kufa, and Al-Sabtain University.