Representatives of Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) Visit Sharif University of Technology (SUT)


On May 28th, 2022,  SUT hosted two professors from LUMS, Professor Sikandar Ahmad Shah and Professor Taimur Rahman. Evaluating ways to implement the MOU previously signed between SUT and LUMS in 2019 and expanding further collaborations, were among the objectives of this meeting which was held in International Affairs Office.

Ambassador of Japan Visits Sharif University of Technology (SUT)

In a meeting that was held on May 10, 2022 at SUT’s presidential office, H.E. Mr. AIKAWA Kazutoshi, Ambassador of Japan in Iran, and Mr. MATSUSHITA Satoshi, Deputy Head of Information and Cultural Center of Embassy of Japan, visited SUT.

Dr. Jalili, President of SUT, Dr. Masihi, Director of International Affairs, and the International Affairs Consultant received them at SUT and after a brief presentation of SUT, the parties discussed the potential lines of cooperation between Sharif and Japanese universities.

H.E. Mr. AIKAWA Kazutoshi stated that Japanese universities are more than willing to have active collaboration with SUT, one of the most reputable universities in the world. Cooperative projects between the two parties entail upgrading the scientific and technological status of their universities, enhancing scientific and research cooperation, and establishing extensive industrial partnerships.

Members of the meeting also had a tour of the Sharif Technology Services Complex at the end of their visit.

Sharif University of Technology and UMSS sign an agreement to Further Academic Cooperation


SUT hosted the Bolivian Ambassador and the President of the UMSS university of Bolivia on Saturday, April 9, 2022, to discuss further academic cooperation.

A meeting was held with the President of SUT, Director of International Affairs, Deputy Director of International Students, and the Representative of Bolivian Affairs.

The major goals of the meeting were to explore ways of expanding academic cooperation, establishing extensive participation in industrial projects and postdoctoral programs, participating in the in-service training program for faculty members of the UMSS, and increasing its scientific and technological status.

With 82,000 students and 1,500 professors across 68 different fields of Engineering, Basic Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Humanities and Social Sciences, San Simon University is the second-largest university in Bolivia.

Both universities discussed their contributions to science during this visit, and the Presidents of UMSS and SUT were enthusiastic about expanding the cooperation between the two universities in different fields and projects.

At the conclusion of this visit, an agreement was also signed between the two universities.