SUT Shines in the First Sports Olympiads for International Students

International Students

International Students

"Sports, a common language" was the motto chosen for the first ever Sports Olympiads for International Students held at Mazandaran University.

Because of its various capacities and 1,200 international students, Mazandaran University was chosen to host the event.

From August 29 to September 3, 2022, the male section of these competitions was held at Babolsar University, Mazandaran, and then the female section began from 5 to 7 September 2022, and Sharif University of Technology (SUT) sent 11 competitors for both sections from among its international students.

Some of the sports in the male section included Futsal, chess, badminton, swimming, etc. from August 29 to September 3, 2022.

SUT male international students, Syed Sibgatullah won the 1st place in “50M Freestyle”, and “25M Breaststroke” in swimming, Komail Hmadeh 2nd place in “25M Backstroke” and “Breaststroke”, Alireza Hashemi, Mehdi Yousefi and Mohammad Ameen Najafi 3rd place in “3x3  Basketball”, and Syed Sajid Hussain finished in 4th place in Chess in these competitions.

With a total of 42 points in all the sports disciplines, SUT finished in 4th place in the male section of the competition.

Iranian universities organized their first sports Olympiads for international female students in various sports disciplines from 5-7 September 2022. More than 250 female students from Iranian universities participated in the competition held in Mazandaran University.

The female international students of SUT won two gold medals in 33M Backstroke and Freestyle swimming, placed second and sixth in 100M Dash in Track and Field, placed fourth in Weight Throw, and won third in Badminton (individual).

SUT placed 3rd with 47 points in total in the female section of the competition.

Khadija Femi with 1 gold medal, Syeda Amina Binte Zeneb with a gold and a silver medal, Zahra Mirzaei with a bronze medal, and Syeda Maryam finishing in 4th and 6th places were among the SUT students shining at this round of Olympiads.

International Students International Students

International Students International Students

International Students International Students

South Korean Delegation Visits Sharif University of Technology

The delegation of Carbon Co., the E&C-DL subgroup, active in the fields of Energy (Power Plant), Chemical (Petrochemical), and CO2 Gas Transformations and Storage, visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT). The esteemed representatives including Mr. Jae-Hyung Yoo, Managing Director, Mr. In-Keun Oh, Assistant Manager of Iran Project DL E&C, and Mr. Joohun Hong, Deputy Manager of Carbon Co., visited the Petroleum laboratory facilities of the university and had a meeting with the Vice President of Research and Technology, Director of Industrial Relations, Director of International Students, and the Director of International Affairs Office of SUT regarding the issue of CO2 liquefaction technology. In this meeting, the conversion of CO2 to other materials and storing it in oil and gas tanks were discussed, and it was decided to prepare and exchange a draft memorandum of cooperation between the two sides.


Representatives of Synergy University at Sharif University of Technology

On Wednesday, August 3, 2022, a Russian delegation from Synergy university, including the Vice-Rector for International Affairs Ms. Anastasia Shanshina, and the Director of Corporate Partnership & Project Development, Ms. Yana Oseyeva, had a meeting at International Affairs office. This meeting was hosted by the Director of International Affairs, Dr. Masihi, and his team.
The aim of this visit was to establish mutual collaboration, especially in the field of student exchange and scientific cooperation.
At the end of the meeting, the two parties presented some memorabilia to each other.

Sasakawa Peace Foundation of Japan at Sharif University of Technology

An esteemed delegation from Japanese Embassy and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF) met with the authorities of Sharif University of Technology (SUT) on Monday, July 25, 2022. This meeting was attended by several prominent figures including the President of SPF, Atsushi Tsunami, the Japanese Ambassador to Iran, Kazutoshi Aikawa, and the accompanying delegation. This meeting was hosted by the revered President of Sharif University of Technology, the Director of International Affairs, the Managers of Sharif Technology Services Complex, and a group of SUT professors.

The tour included visiting Sharif Technology Services Complex and finding out about its accelerator, incubator, start-up businesses, etc.

After the visit, a meeting was held in SUT President's office.  The circumstances of SUT and Sharif Technology Services Complex were praised by Atsushi Tsunami, who also expressed the importance of educating the next generation. There was an exchange of ideas on how to pave the way for future collaboration between SPF and SUT. A number of ideas came up, including but not limited to, providing hardware technological infrastructure, linking SUT with similar Japanese foundations, providing grants to disadvantaged war-torn students in the Middle East, especially Afghan women, and allocating more quotas to Japanese universities accepting Iranian students.

Both delegations presented gifts to the other party at the end of the meeting.

Appreciation Meeting for the Organizers of the International Nanotechnology Course at the University of Bolivia

The international affairs office of  Sharif University of Technology hosted a lunch session to express gratitude for the Bolivian university professors' participation and cooperation in holding an international course on nanotechnology.

The first phase of this virtual, online international course, held last year, ran for 60 hours from May to July. A discussion and exchange of opinions regarding the expansion of these cooperations took place during this lunch session.

Malian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research alongside His Accompanying Delegation at Sharif University of Technology

An international visit by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Mali, Dr. Ahmadu Kita, and three of his colleagues to Sharif University of Technology (SUT) was organized on Monday, July 5th, 2022 as part of the efforts of SUT to expand the international cooperation with higher education institutions of different countries.

Following a visit to some laboratories and technology centers at SUT, the Malian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Director of the Polytechnic Institute, and the Director of the Informatics Department of the Ministry of Science of Mali met with the university's president and other university officials.

At the outset, the delegation toured the Research Institute of Nanotechnology Sciences, Sharif Technology Services Complex, and one of the faculty laboratories to demonstrate what the university has to offer in terms of research, technology, and innovation, and to become acquainted with some of the university's knowledge-based companies' technological products.

After discussing and reviewing educational and research partnerships, the Malian delegation and university officials attended the university president's office for a lunch session. Among the topics discussed at the meeting were student exchanges, staff exchanges (short-term visits), and joint technology projects. A memorial was gifted to the Malian delegation by the honorable president of SUT at the end of this meeting.

Ambassador of Norway to Iran at Sharif University of Technology (SUT)

Sigwald Tomin Huff, the esteemed ambassador of Norway, and his deputy head of mission, Johannes Pecklet Fordal, visited SUT on 31 June 2022.

The meeting was hosted by Dr. Jalili, president of SUT, Dr. Masihi, director of international affairs, and some of SUT faculty members.

In addition to the emphasis on the expansion of scientific and technological cooperation between SUT and Norwegian academic institutions, the ambassador propounded ways to facilitate mutual international collaborations.

Exchanging academic staff and students, conducting joint research activities with Norwegian universities, and offering dual degree programs at Kish Island International Campus were among the subjects discussed at the meeting.

Environmental issues and Microplastics were specifically discussed as significant research topics. The meeting concluded with the delegation’s visit to Sharif Technology Services Complex and one of the research laboratories.

Rector of North-Caucasus Federal University of Russia Visiting Sharif University of Technology

A delegation from Russia visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT) on Monday, June 20, 2022.

The delegation of the North-Caucasus State University (NCFU), one of the largest and most comprehensive state universities in Russia, visited SUT and met with the President of Sharif University of Technology.

The members of the Russian delegation included the Honorable Rector of the North-Caucasus State University, Dr. Dmitry Bessalpov, and his colleagues, Dr. Igor Kryuchkov, Dr. Vladislav Babayantz, and Mr. Dmitry Kalnichenkov.

In addition to Dr. Jalili, the esteemed President of SUT, Dr. Masihi, Director of International Affairs, and a group of faculty members hosted the NCFU delegation. Besides signing a memorandum of understanding, the meeting was intended to review the industrial capabilities of Sharif University of Technology and explore possible collaboration opportunities between the two institutions.

Following a tour of SUT's laboratories and Sharif Technology Services Complex, the meeting continued with a lunch session at the international affairs office.

At the meeting, the president of SUT discussed possible methods of expanding cooperation, such as dual degree programs at Kish Island International Campus and conducting research in the fields previously discussed in a webinar between the two parties, such as electronic engineering, power, machine learning and etc.

Kazan University Representatives Visits Sharif University of Technology to Strengthen Collaboration

International Affairs of Sharif University of Technology (SUT) hosted a delegation from Kazan University, Russia, on Wednesday, June 15th, 2022.
Dr. Timirkhan Alishev, Vice President for International Affairs, and Mr. Rauf Sabirov, Dean of Admission to Kazan University, along with Dr. Mikhail Varfolomeev, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, and Mr. Vladislav Sudakov, Deputy Director for Innovation Technologies, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies attended this meeting.
The meeting was held at the Office of International Affairs and was hosted by Prof. Masihi, Director of International Affairs, Dr. Bazargan, Vice President for International Students, and Dr. Ghaffari, President of Kish International Campus.
SUT signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Kazan University in 2018, and during the meeting held on 15th June 2022, the institutions discussed areas of interest in defining joint industrial projects and holding joint dual degree programs on both SUT's Tehran campus and Kish Island campus.

Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of Iraq at Sharif University of Technology (SUT)


On May 31, 2022, a meeting was held at SUT with Amjad Hameed Abd-Alrazaq, the Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of The Republic of Iraq, and Mohammad Baqir Hakim, the Head of Public Relations.

They were received by the Director of International Affairs, Dr. Masihi, as well as the Director of International Students, Dr. Bazargan. After a brief presentation of SUT, the parties discussed the potential lines of collaboration between SUT and Iraqi universities.

The meeting focused on increasing SUT's academic interaction and collaborations with the top six universities in Iraq and recruiting elite students from Iraq.

During the meeting, Dr. Abd-Alrazaq offered to lay the groundwork for SUT and the six top universities in Iraq, to develop bilateral and multilateral collaborations.