Oman’s Minister of Commerce Leads Delegation to Explore Scientific Collaboration with SUT

On Sunday, May 7th, 2023, Dr. Qais bin Mohammed Al Yousef, the Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Investment of Oman, led a delegation to visit Sharif University of Technology (SUT) in Iran. The delegation included the Omani Ambassador to Tehran, as well as managers and heads of Omani Chambers of Commerce and Special Economic Zones. The visit coincided with the minister's trip to Tehran, where he met with Iranian officials and attended a joint trade conference between the two countries.

During the visit, Dr. Ali Akbar Salehi, a member of SUT's faculty of the Energy Department, Dr. Haddadpour, the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology, and Dr. Masihi, the Director of the International Affairs Office of SUT, accompanied the delegation. SUT's Sharif Technology Services Complex, Institute of Nano Science, and Aerospace Innovation Center to gain insight into the university's innovative atmosphere and technological manufacturing capabilities.

A session was held to discuss and exchange ideas on expanding scientific, industrial, and technological collaborations between SUT and Oman Institutions. Key areas of discussion included establishing joint research centers in Sharif's innovation zone, facilitating the exchange of students and professors, and creating joint educational and research programs between SUT and Sultan Qaboos University. The visit marked a significant step towards strengthening scientific and industrial ties between the two nations, with the potential for fostering innovation and driving technological advancements in both Oman and Iran.

Nicaraguan Ambassador Visits SUT for Expanding Joint Research Collaborations

On Sunday, April 16, 2023, His Excellency Mr. Isaac Lenin Barao, the honorable ambassador of Nicaragua to Iran, and his accompanying delegation visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT).

This visit was accompanied by a meeting with Dr. Jalili, the Honorable President of SUT, intended to develop a cooperative relationship between SUT and Nicaraguan higher education institutions, particularly the National Engineering University of Nicaragua, in the field of science and technology.

The Nicaraguan Ambassador specifically emphasized the importance of expanding joint research collaborations and student exchanges between the higher education institutions of both countries.

Professors and students exchanging ideas and conducting joint research are among the most significant topics discussed.

Finally, following Dr. Jalili's presentation of the memorial to the Nicaraguan ambassador they visited several university facilities and units.

Educational attaché & Cultural Counsellor at the Chinese Embassy Visit Sharif University of Technology

On April 11, 2023, Cultural Counsellor at the Chinese Embassy, Mr.Zhu Zihao, and his colleague Mr. Zhao Ziang attended the university's International Affairs Office and discussed scientific interactions between Sharif University of Technology (SUT) and Chinese universities.

The current efforts on scientific cooperation between Iranian and Chinese universities, in general, was also discussed since SUT is designated as the "Iran-China Academic Cooperation" center by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.

At this meeting, attended by a group of faculty members, Mr.Zhu Zihao (Rising China) deemed the proposal to form a union between Iranian and Chinese universities (similar to the current model between Iran and Russia) appropriate and wanted to follow up with the parties involved.

Moreover, regarding the student exchange program, it was mentioned that the Iranian president's recent visit to China had led to the establishment of 150 scholarships and that they considered this a positive step.

Moreover, a center for joint science and technology cooperation with China was suggested to be established at the university as well as a scientific cooperation office.

Sharif University of Technology Collaboration with Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University of Russia


The Director of Sharif University of Technology's International Affairs Office، Dr. Mohsen Masihi، met with Dr. Anastasia A. Minina, the Vice-Rector for International Affairs at Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University (ETU "LETI"), in order to discuss collaborative research and educational activities between Sharif University of Technology (SUT) and ETU "LETI".

The meeting was held in the International Affairs Office on Monday, February 27, 2023 at SUT. The Director of the International Affairs Office, Dr. Mohsen Masihi discussed possible solutions to increase effective interactions and collaboration with the prestigious Univeristy of ETU "LETI" and to think of ways to make possible future MOUs between the two universities.

Inviting prominent professors in various fields of technology, hosting joint educational and research webinars, inviting certain professors, and starting joint courses are among the details of the discussions.

International Students of Sharif University of Technology Meet with the University President

International Students

A number of international students of Sharif University of Technology (SUT) had a friendly meeting with the honorable President of the University on Sunday 19th of February. Students expressed their satisfaction with the university and shared their opinions regarding foreign students' education and problems that can be addressed.

This meeting was held in the presence of Dr. Jalili, the honorable President of the University, Dr. Masihi, the Director of the International Affairs Office, Dr. Mohammad Bazargan, the Director of the International Student Office, and their colleagues.

The meeting finished after the honorable president presented guidelines on how to resolve these students' problems.

CEO of Mitsubishi in Iran at Sharif University of Technology


On Wednesday, February 15, 2023, Mr. Hiroshi Nashimoto, CEO of Mitsubishi International Company in Iran, was a guest at the International Affairs Office at Sharif University of Technology (SUT).

Collaboration in the field of communication with Japanese industrial and educational centers was a major topic of discussion at this meeting, along with the possibility of a financial contribution and sponsorship by Mitsubishi to humanitarian projects as well as educational programs such as student scholarships.

Esteemed Ambassador of Croatia at Sharif University of Technology


The esteemed ambassador of Croatia visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT) in order to expand joint cooperation between the scientific and research centers of Croatia and SUT.

On Monday, February 6, 2023, his excellency Dr. Drago Stambuk, the honorable ambassador of Croatia to Iran, along with the charge d'affaires of the embassy, Mr. Vladimir Honiak Ashtola, visited Sharif University of Technology.

Following this visit, a meeting was held in the presence of Dr. Jalili, the honorable President of the University, Dr. Masihi, Director of the International Affairs Office, and a number of faculty members of SUT in order to expand joint cooperation in the fields of science and technology between SUT and the prestigious educational centers of Croatia.

Other topics discussed at the meeting included facilitating the exchange of professors and students, conducting joint research with top Croatian universities, and holding dual degree courses.

The two sides agreed to exchange cooperation agreements in areas such as "management and economy" and take the necessary steps to sign them jointly after future coordination.

The meeting ended with the exchange of gifts by the parties and a visit to Sharif Technology Services Complex and Nano Technology Science Research Institute.

croatia croatia

croatia croatia

croatia croatia

Ambassador of Kazakhstan at Sharif University of Technology


The esteemed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Askhat Orazbay, visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT) alongside Mr. Duisebay, his counsellor, on Sunday, 5 February 2023.

Following this visit, a meeting was held in the presence of Dr. Jalili, the honorable President of the University, Dr. Masihi, Director of the International Affairs Office, and a number of SUT faculty members to discuss expanding joint cooperation between SUT and the prestigious top educational centers of Kazakhstan, specifically in the areas of science and technology.

Among the most important topics discussed regarding joint scientific, research, and educational collaborations were the exchange of visiting professors and students, the conduct of joint research with Kazakhstan's top universities, and the establishment of dual degree programs at Kish International Campus.

In addition, Dr. Vossoughi, Dean of the Faculty of Energy, presented information on the activities in the medical and industrial fields and the need for more international collaborations in energy engineering.

The meeting ended with Mr. Orazbay receiving a memorial from the university's president and visiting the Sharif Technology Services Complex.

Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

Representatives of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia at Sharif University of Technology

On October 02, 2022, Sharif University of Technology (SUT) hosted the representatives of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA). The visit started with attending Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at SUT.

Several professors in the field of Nanotechnology, Civil Engineering, and Materials Engineering at SUT, were also present during this visit. Visiting the Faculty of Civil Engineering and learning about the facilities of that department in the field of Nano was also a part of this visit.

The International Affairs Office of SUT hosted a lunch meeting afterward. This meeting was accompanied by discussion and consensus on the instruction of Nano in the field of Civil Engineering.

The topics discussed were mainly focused on the methods of holding online classes and training courses for the professors and postgraduate students of NUACA. The subjects also involved cooperation in the field of Materials Engineering, especially the synthesis of nanomaterials, assistance in the construction of laboratory equipment, and training specialists to use these pieces of equipment.

The meeting concluded with the presentation of gifts by Dr. Masihi, the Director of International Affairs of SUT, and Mr. Manuk Barseghyan – The vice-rector for Scientific Affairs of NUACA. In the last part of the visit, the members of NUACA took a tour of the Department of Materials Engineering and its laboratories.

Pakistani Ambassador Helps to Expand the Cooperation between Sharif University of Technology and Top Pakistani Universities



On September 12th, 2022, SUT hosted a cultural-political delegation from Pakistan embassy. This group included the esteemed ambassador Mr. Rahim Hayat Qureshi, Mr. Ahmed Shami his counselor, and also Ms. Ambreen Gul Shaheed, Press, Educational, and Cultural Counselor to the Ambassador.
A meeting was held at the Dean’s office to investigate ways of beneficial collaboration between SUT and institutions of higher education in Pakistan. The director of the International Office and some other respected professors were also present at this meeting. Among the goals of this gathering were to discuss, analyze and find ways of international collaboration between SUT and top universities of Pakistan the neighboring Muslim country. Common environmental challenges between the two countries such as air and water pollution, waste disposal, and global warming were targeted as shared grounds of mutual cooperation. Both parties also came to an agreement to develop dual-degree programs and allocate scholarships for educational and research purposes.
At the end of this meeting, gifts were exchanged between the two groups.

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